The laboratory service of the Luninetsky KUP WKH Vodokanal water and wastewater treatment complex includes:
– testing laboratory No. 1 of water supply
– testing laboratory No. 2 of water disposal
The laboratory service was accredited for the first time in the framework of the Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO / IEC 17025-2007 in the field of testing in 2005. In 2016, the Laboratory Service successfully passed the re-accreditation. The validity of the accreditation certificate was extended until December 2021.
The main objective of the policy of the Laboratory Service is to ensure the safety of life, human health, and environmental protection by conducting tests of drinking, surface, waste, groundwater at a high technical level in accordance with the current technical normative legal acts, with unconditional maintenance of consumer confidence in the reliability and objectivity of the work performed.
Drinking water quality control is carried out by the testing laboratory No. 1 in accordance with the work programs of the industrial quality control of drinking water, which are developed in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control”. Schemes of industrial laboratory control are approved in the State Institution “Luninetsky Vodokanal.”
The laboratory control of drinking water in the city and district is carried out at all stages of water treatment:
– sources of water supply (artesian wells);
– water intake filters;
– stations of the 2nd ascent;
– water distribution network.
The scope of the testing laboratory # 1 includes organoleptic, microbiological, chemical, radiometric tests of drinking water for 34 indicators.
The laboratory service has a special permit (license) for the type of activity related to the control of radioactive contamination. Radiometric tests are carried out using the spectrometric and radiometric complex “Progress” with software.
In its activity, the Laboratory Service applies the following test methods: organoleptic, titrimetric, gravimetric, photometric, potentiometric, fluorimetric.
For a complete chemical analysis of the drinking water of artesian wells and deironing stations, the indicators that are not included in the accreditation area are performed by third parties under a contract or on a single application by the enterprise according to the production control scheme.
Analysis of the results of the industrial quality control of drinking water is carried out monthly, with the results provided in GU “Luninetsky Vodokana”, Brest regional unitary enterprise “Housing Management”.
Quality control of sewage, surface and groundwater is carried out by testing laboratory No. 2. Luninetsky “Vodokanal” is included in the list of legal entities that carry out local environmental monitoring as part of the National Environmental Monitoring System in the Republic of Belarus.
Quality control of waste water is carried out through all stages of process purification and on release. Purified sewage is discharged into the water canal of the Luninetsky Canal, where surface water quality is also monitored.
Monthly reports on the qualitative characteristics of wastewater entering treatment, treated sewage and surface water are compiled.
The scope of the testing laboratory number 2 includes conducting physical and chemical tests of waste water for 21 indicators, underground and surface water for 19 indicators.
The activities of testing laboratories No. 1 and No. 2 are organized in permanent production areas. The laboratories meet all the basic requirements for monitoring and ensuring the reliability of measurement results:
– only the attorney and the equipment entered in the state register are used;
– apply current standards, measurement techniques;
– researches are conducted by qualified specialists.
The necessary level of training of laboratory personnel is ensured by raising their professional level in seminars, on refresher courses, on-site technical training.
Monitoring of the quality of drinking and wastewater in Mikashevichi is carried out respectively by the testing laboratories No. 3 and No. 4 that are part of the Luninetsky KUP WKH Vodokanal.
In accordance with the requirements of SanPin 10-124 RB 99, drinking water must be safe in epidemic and radiation respect, harmless in chemical composition and have favorable organoleptic properties.
Luninetsky “Vodokanal” does everything possible to provide residents of Luninets, Mikashevichi and the district, as well as enterprises with quality water.

The laboratory service of Luninetsky “Vodokanal” is able to perform on a contractual basis research:
• drinking water for microbiological, organoleptic, chemical and radiometric performance (total number of microorganisms, total coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, odor, taste, color, turbidity, total iron, hardness, total mineralization (dry residue), the pH, manganese, aluminum, oil, a specific (volumetric) cesium-137 activity, the specific (volumetric) activity of strontium-90 radionuclides total specific alpha and beta activity radionuclides specific (volumetric aq) Activity of natural radionuclides (NRN), etc.) • wastewater, groundwater and surface water by physico-chemical parameters (pH-suspended solids, BOD 5, COD, surfactants, oil, a specific (volumetric) activity of radionuclides cesium-137, etc.).
To conduct research, legal entities must submit an application in writing, conclude a contract for sampling and research, pay for the services provided according to the invoice provided. The application can be sent by fax: 8 (01647)2-64-42 or to the postal address: 225644, Red Str., 172, Luninets, Brest region. For more information, please call: 8 (01647)2-64-24.